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针对南方稻田区域稻烟轮作过程中,由于土壤含水率高导致的培土器抛土、输送土能力差,行驶装置驱动易打滑下陷,烟叶生产过程中机械化培土环节与农艺要求不匹配等问题,提出了采用履带底盘螺旋培土机的解决方案,设计了履带底盘螺旋培土机的行驶机构、变速器及螺旋刀盘培土器等基本结构。通过建立螺旋式培土器的运动学与动力学数学模型和对影响螺旋输土的关键指标进行正交试验研究,试验结果表明,当螺旋刀盘半径为130 mm,螺距为110 mm,刀盘入土深度为30 mm,螺旋刀盘转速为260 r/min时,螺旋式培土刀盘输土量符合设计要求。样机田间试验表明,通过合理选择螺旋培土器的基本参数,螺旋培土器能实现烟田清沟、垄侧松土除草和垄顶送土等功能,螺旋式培土器相对于13组对照测试机型更符合烟田培土农艺要求。 In the process of paddy rice rotation in paddy fields in southern China, problems such as soil throwing by soil cultivators, poor capacity of conveying soil, slippery driving drives, and mismatch of mechanized soil erosion and agronomic requirements in the process of tobacco leaf production were put forward With the solution of crawler chassis spiral cultivator, the basic structure of crawler chassis spiral cultivator traveling mechanism, transmission and spiral cutter earth cultivator is designed. Through the establishment of mathematical model of kinematic and kinetic dynamics of spiral earth cultivator and the orthogonal experiment of the key indicators affecting the screw earth transportation, the experimental results show that when the radius of helical earth cutter is 130 mm and the pitch is 110 mm, When the depth is 30 mm and the helical cutter speed is 260 r / min, the soil volume of spiral cutter cutter meets the design requirements. The field trial of the prototype showed that by selecting the basic parameters of the screw-type earth-boring device properly, the screw-type soil earth-boring device can realize the functions of clearing the furrows, ridging the ridge ridge and weeding the soil with furrows and so on. Compared with 13 control test models More tobacco farming soil agronomy requirements.
很多国家的总理是经济学专业出身,有些甚至本身就是经济学家。掌管经济是总理的关键职责之一。人们之所以对李克强寄予厚望,很大程度上源于他在这方面的知识结构优势。  十八大之后的一次“观点亮相”中,李克强回应了当前一些人口专家所谓的“人口红利已经消失”的说法,指出到2030年中国至少还有9亿劳动人口,虽然劳动力成本也会大大增加,但只要深化改革,仍能制造发展红利。  这一细节突出了他的经济学博士专业背景,