瓜叶菊(Cineraria cruenta Mass)原产大西洋加那利群岛,属地中海式气候类型。为多年生草本花卉,一般作二年生栽培。性喜温暖湿润,既怕夏季高温炎热,又不耐冬季严寒,喜光而忌强光直射,要求土壤疏松肥沃、透水性良好。瓜叶菊花朵鲜艳夺目,姿态端庄秀丽,是良好的冬春观花花卉。瓜叶菊在栽培过程中,需要人为地为其创造适宜生长的环境条件,满足其对温度、光照、水分的要求,使其安全度过生命过程中的每个阶段,才能应时开花,适时观赏。安全度夏 (1) 降温夏季高温炎热,极其不利瓜叶菊幼苗的生长。在没有降温设备的条件下,喷水降温是简单易行的方
Cineraria cruenta Mass native to the Atlantic Canary Islands, a Mediterranean climate type. For perennial herb flowers, generally for biennial cultivation. Like the warm and moist, afraid of the hot summer high temperature, but also not resistant to winter cold, light and avoid direct sunlight, requires loose and fertile soil, good water permeability. Clover flowers bright eye-catching, dignified and graceful posture, is a good winter flowers and flowers. Cineraria in the cultivation process, you need to artificially create appropriate environmental conditions for its growth, to meet its temperature, light, water requirements, so that it can safely pass through each stage of life in order to timely flowering, timely ornamental . Safety summer (1) cooling Summer hot high temperature, extremely adverse growth of cineraria seedlings. In the absence of cooling equipment, water spray cooling is easy