漳州市纺织服装同业公会成立一年来,注重服务,做实事,受到会员企业的欢迎。 ——为会员排忧解难。一年来,同业公会先后派人走访了二十一家会员企业,了解各单位生产经营情况和存在的问题,积极提供咨询服务,为会员排忧解难。例如在走访中了解到漳州羽绒服装厂、良斌针织厂与外商合资,引进新的生产线,正设法寻找新厂房,同业公会先后介绍三处适宜的场所供他们选择。中外合资泰利手袋制品有限公司在赶制亚运会指定产品——幻形帽时,因缺少丝绸面料十分焦急,此事经公会反映到漳州纺织品站后,纺织品站立即去福州组织了十多万元的货源,满足了生产的急需。芗城针织服装厂生产上需要的衬布,过去都是汇款去苏州购买,每公尺四·○二元,经同业公会了解,纺织品站同样衬布每公尺只需二·九四元,当即介绍该厂改向纺织品站进货,既方便及时,又降低了成本。
Since the establishment of the Luzhou City Textile and Apparel Trade Association, it has been focusing on service and doing practical work. It is welcomed by member companies. - Solve problems for members. In the past year, the trade associations have sent people to visit 21 member companies to understand the production and operation conditions and problems of various units, actively provide consulting services, and solve problems for members. For example, during the visit, we learned that Zhangzhou Feather & Garment Factory and Liangbin Knitting Factory have joint ventures with foreign companies. We have introduced new production lines and are trying to find new factories. The trade association has introduced three suitable places for them to choose from. When Sino-foreign joint venture Taili Handbags Products Co., Ltd. used the products of the Asian Games designated as the phantom caps, it was very anxious because of the lack of silk fabrics. After the guild was reported to the Luzhou Textile Station, the textile station immediately went to Fuzhou to organize more than 100,000 yuan. The source of supply satisfies the urgent need for production. The lining fabrics needed in the production of Yucheng Knitting Garment Factory had been remittances to Suzhou for purchase. The price per square meter was RMB 2.00 per square meter. According to the understanding of the Trade Association, the textile stations were also lining only RMB 2.94 per meter. The change of the factory to the textile station is not only convenient and timely, but also reduces the cost.