十月的澳大利亚,正是春光明媚的季节。1929年10月16日早晨,一艘名叫“玛梅德”的英国快速帆船载着21名船员,飞快地驶出了悉尼港。 帆船出港后的四天中,都是风和日丽的好天气,可是到了第五天夜幕降临之时,突然黑云翻滚,狂风大作,“玛梅德”帆船一下子就被狂风暴雨掀翻了,全体船员奋力拼搏,顽强地寻找着栖身之处。几个小时过去了,已筋疲力尽的船员终于发现海面上的礁岩,他们不约而同地朝礁岩游
Australia in October is the spring season. On the morning of October 16, 1929, a British sailboat called “Maymede” carried 21 crew members and drove out of Sydney Harbor quickly. Sailing four days after departure, are good weather, sunny, but the fifth night fell, when the sudden dark clouds rolling, gust of wind, “Ma Meide” sailing suddenly stormy overturned The crew worked hard and stubbornly looking for shelter. Hours later, the exhausted crew finally found the reef rocks on the sea, they invariably reef rock tour