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  Old age has had bad press on the whole, doubtless for good reasons. And yet it is not always a vale of tears1 and nothing else. To meet the sprightly2 old can be an inspiration. Recently, I have had the good fortune to meet two very old people whose continued pleasure in life put to shame my inclination to grumble about everything and nothing.3
  The first was in the British Museum, in London. I had just come out of a marvelous exhibition about the Scythians4, my knowledge of whom could previously have been comfortably fitted into two lines. A well-preserved elderly lady who had also just emerged from the exhibition, and who was dressed in very sensible5 shoes, thick warm stockings, and a black overcoat, was fixing her old-fashioned hat with a hatpin, the like of which I had not seen since my grandmother died nearly 60 years ago.
  “Very good exhibition,” I said to her.
  “Yes,” she replied. “Very. But I didn’t really learn much about the Scythians that I didn’t already know.”
  “Oh, really?” I said, rather surprised, having assumed that everyone was as ignorant as I.
  “No,” she said, “nothing about them has changed much since the thirties, when I started to read about them. But I’m glad I came. It’s always nice to see the artefacts in the flesh. I’ve always been fascinated by archaeology6.”
  The thirties? Surely no one would start reading about the Scythians before the age of 12, and if she were 12 in 1939 she would be 90 now. She was quite possibly older, nearer 100 in fact.
  “Nice to talk to you,” she said, and went her way as vigorously7 as someone half her age, her hat perfectly arranged.
  Two weeks later, in Paris, I went to the 90th birthday celebration of a relative of my wife. She had been extremely ill three years ago but had survived two major operations completely intact. She had been married to her husband, who was four years older than she, for 68 years, having first met him when she was 8. Now aged 94, he still drove with her every year hundreds of miles down to the South of France.
  I sat beside her for a time. She told me that she still read for four to five hours a day, particularly history. At the moment, she was reading a biography of the Duc de Saint-Simon8. But she and her husband also liked to go to public lectures, as they always had. She started to speak with unmistakable enthusiasm of the last that she had attended.
My grandfather’s woodworking shop was a museum of aged tools. Their work-glazed handles hung neatly from nails on the wall or lay one beside the other in homemade wooden boxes. They were more than ins
随着互联网技术的飞速发展,传统唱片业遭受到了始料未及的致命冲击,当前唱片业的没落和萧条毋庸置疑。很多悲观者不禁哀叹,唱片终将被取代,退出音乐的历史舞台。面对这种严峻的形势,国外一些音乐人开始跃跃欲试,掀起了一股革新浪潮。乡村音乐创作型歌手Taylor SWift将自己的全部音乐从全球最大的流媒体音乐服务商Spotify上自行下架。她认为好的音乐值得付费购买,而为此付出心血的歌手应该得到等值的回报,
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Earlier in 2016, at the Whitney Museum of American Art, in New York, visitors paraded through the fifth floor to see a retrospective dedicated to the abstract expressionist Frank Stella.1 Although man
城,是文明建立的重要标志,甚至被称作人类大脑进化的关键促成者;文学作品中,“城”自然也比比皆是。中文中的“城”,在英文中可化作不同东西,当然最普通的是“city”,如狄更斯的小说《双城记》——A Tale of Two Cities;而钱钟书的《围城》,变身英文,就成了FortressBesieged。“Fortress”的意思是“要塞”,强调其军事意义。《围城》开篇引用法国谚语称,“Marria
融合是人类社会文化的内在规律。弗里德曼所说的“世界是平的”,在体育项目、户外运动中,也能找到这样的规律。30年前,不讲国家体制内的专业滑雪运动员,那时民间的滑雪运动仅仅限于冬天的东北,其实最终也还是政府型的滑雪场所,民间参与的人非常有限,那时的国家队员基本都是黑龙江或吉林人。20年前,滑雪运动开始有所普及,尤其是1998年前后,国内开始有了企业或民间投资滑雪场,滑雪的商业萌芽逐渐衍生。  大众化的
The most resonant1 truth about children is that they disappear. Slowly, gradually, but eventually. Children in that sense are clocks, marking the passage of time with each new stage of growth. To see
经典童话故事《白雪公主》影响了一代又一代的人,是无数孩子的枕边故事和美好童年的代名词。很多在《白雪公主》陪伴下长大的孩子,多年之后仍然能如数家珍般地背出七个小矮人的名字:万事通、爱生气、开心果、瞌睡虫、害羞鬼、喷嚏精、糊涂蛋。他们也许不知道的是,这些名字都是根据他们的英文名翻译过来的,而这些英文名其实暗藏玄机。英文版本中的七个小矮人分别叫做Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, B