当我拿到新居的钥匙开门时,一下惊呆了。因为他——我的前夫也正开门。我们同走一个楼梯,门对门。 世界无比之大,又无比之小。10年前,我们分道扬镳,10年后,竟成了邻居。命运真是会捉弄人。在掌握了各自的生活规律后我们尽量避免碰面,但要命的是,我的孩子和他的孩子,竟成了同班同学。自然,我的先生和他的太太,也成了熟人。 有一次,他孩子到我家玩,快到吃饭时,他大声地在自己家里喊孩子回家。他太太从外面回来碰上了,
When I got the key to the new home to open the door, I was shocked. Because he - my ex-husband is also open the door. We go with a staircase, door to door. The world is extremely large and very small. Ten years ago, we parted ways and ten years later became neighbors. Fate really will tease people. After we have mastered their own laws of life, we try to avoid meeting each other, but what is terrible is that my children and their children have become classmates. Naturally, my husband and his wife have also become acquaintances. Once, when his children went to play in my house and was coming to dinner, he shouted loudly to call their children home in their own home. His wife came back from the outside,