军政军民并肩携手 同守共建祖国北疆——庆祝中国人民解放军建军69周年

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在举国上下为实现“九五”计划和2010年远景目标而奋斗的起步之际,在全区各族人民为完成两大历史性任务而拼搏的关键之时,我们迎来了“八一”建军节。从南昌起义到井冈山斗争,从雪山草地到延安窑洞,从创建中华人民共和国到保卫共和国国防、参加改天换地的社会主义建设,伟大的中国人民解放军已经走过了69年的光辉历程。这69年,是中国人民解放军在中国共产党领导下战斗、胜利的69年,是全心全意为人民服务的69年。“没有一支人民的军队,便没有人民的一切”。“八一”建军节不仅是人民子弟兵的节日,也是全国各族人民共同的节日。在这个喜庆的日子里,我们谨向驻守在祖国北疆——内蒙古的中国人民解放军全体指战员、中国人民武装警察部队全体官兵和广大民兵预备役人员致以崇高的敬意和热烈的祝贺! At the beginning of the entire nation’s struggle for the realization of the “1995” plan and the long-term goal of 2010, we ushered in the key to the hard work of the people of all ethnic groups across the region in accomplishing the two historic tasks. Bayi “Army Day. From the Nanchang Uprising to the Battle of Jinggangshan and from the Snowy Meadows to the Cave of Yan’an, from the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the defense of the Republic and the socialist construction carried out by changing land from day to day, the great People’s Liberation Army of China has gone through a glorious course of 69 years. These 69 years, the 69th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s fighting and victory under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, are 69 years in which they serve the people wholeheartedly. Without the army of a people, there will be no people. ” The August 1 Army Day is not only a holiday for people’s army but also a common holiday for people of all nationalities across the country. On this happy occasion, we extend our highest respect and warm congratulation to all officers and soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force and all the militia reservists stationed in the northern border of the motherland and the Inner Mongolia.
对于永胜陶粒板岩矿地质特征进行研究,发现该板岩矿为二叠系暖木条子组上段地层中的黑色板岩,成因类型为层状沉积变质矿床,工业类型为泥板岩型普通陶粒矿床,矿层长约6 000m,
一、坚持核心,发挥三个作用 多年来,我们始终把搞好安全生产,抓好煤炭量、提高经济效金作为党建工作的重要内客,坚持核心,围绕中心,突出重心,较好地发挥了三个作用。 一是积