采用常规育种和生物快繁技术,经多年研究培育而成铁皮石斛新品种‘雁吹雪3号’。该品种生长势强、植株整齐、直立丛生,成龄苗平均株高25.5 cm,最高可达30 cm,平均茎粗0.6 cm。石斛多糖含量为57.5%,甘露糖含量32.6%,二者均高于对照。广东省多点多批测产结果显示,二年生植株年均每公顷产鲜茎6 165 kg。抗病性较强,耐热、耐寒性比对照增强,经广东省多点多批比较种植试验,综合性状遗传稳定。
Using conventional breeding and biological fast propagation technology, after years of research and cultivation of new Dendrobium candidum ’Yan Baxue 3’. The varieties grow strong, neat plants, erect clusters, average adult plant height 25.5 cm, up to 30 cm, the average stem diameter of 0.6 cm. Dendrobium polysaccharide content of 57.5%, mannose content of 32.6%, both higher than the control. The results of multi-spot test in Guangdong province showed that annual biennial plants produced 6 165 kg of fresh stem per hectare. The disease resistance is stronger, the heat tolerance and the cold tolerance are enhanced than the control. The multi-spot planting experiment in Guangdong province is more stable and the comprehensive trait is stable.