【摘 要】
Paja Brava is a native South American grass with a high carbohydrate content. In the current work, the potential of using this feedstock for ethanol production
【正】 在水稻成本核算中,计算主副产品时,一般都把谷秆比定为1:1,由稻谷数量去推算稻草的数量。1983年我们组织对10个县的65个农产品成本核算点的早稻进行抽样调查,通过实割
All EU countries have targets for increasing the use of renewable energy at a national level. However this effort should become concrete at regional and local l
Evolutionary genetics of invasive species has been unexplored in Argentina. Invasive alien species (IAS) have a wide geographical distribution, characteristic l
【正】 1985年猪、牛、羊肉产量达到1460万吨,比1980年增长21%。要增加禽蛋和奶的产量,因地制宜地发展各种地方特有的畜、禽、蜂、兔优良品种和饲养水貂、香獐等珍贵动物。 认
This study examined the effects of soil and switchgrass variety on sustainability and eco-friendliness of switchgrass-based ethanol production. Using the Agricu
Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) technique, which is developed in recent years, is a rapid identification of plant gene function from reverse genetics. It is
SSTs of the South Atlantic suggest there is a side by side surface circulation with north-ward cold water to the east and southward warm water to the west. Then
【正】 黑龙江省甘南县充分发挥本地资源优势,积极调整农业内部结构,大力发展多种经营,仅三年时间,农村经济出现了少有的好形势。据初步统计,1981年,农副业集体部分总收入6,3