
来源 :赤峰学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglu84
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从古自今,中国都是一个文化大国,也是一个拥有着源远流长历史文化的古国,而随着时代进入到高速发展和创新的新阶段,诸多的传统以及文化历史都随着社会的变迁或者改变或者消逝.但文化一直以来都是不断传出和发展的东西,是一种无形且无价的遗产.而作为一个后人,如何去传承和发扬这个遗产,也是需要去详细思考的.就中国的四大经典元素而言,主要是琴棋书画,其中国画是中国闻名于世界,并且在现代社会中发展最快的文化之一,主要是由于其美感以及时代感,让每个中国人都能感受到一种无形的魅力所在.而研究中国画元素在动漫设计中的应用,将对我国传统文化的发展和传承带来重要的意义. Since ancient times, China has always been a cultural power and an ancient country with a long history of ancient culture. As the times have entered a new phase of rapid development and innovation, many traditions and cultural histories have changed as society changes or changes Or disappear, but culture has always been a constant spread and development of things, is an intangible and priceless legacy, but as a descendant, how to inherit and carry forward this heritage, but also need to go through the detailed thinking .In China Of the four classic elements, mainly the poetry and calligraphy and painting, of which Chinese painting is famous in the world, and one of the fastest growing culture in modern society, mainly because of its beauty and the sense of the times, so that each Chinese Can feel a kind of intangible charm.How to study the application of Chinese painting elements in animation design will bring great significance to the development and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture.