德国能源公司最近发表的一份研究报告估计 ,全世界已探明有经济开采价值的石煤资源以目前的技术仍可继续开采 16 2年 ,褐煤可开采 2 4 2年。未来十年里 ,煤炭作为用于发电的主要能源的这一现状将不会改变。目前世界能源消耗的比例是 :石油 36 % ;煤炭 2 4 % ;天然气 2 1% ;可再
A recent study published by the German energy company estimates that the world’s proven stone mining resources of economic exploitation can continue to be mined for 16 2 years with current technology and 242 years for lignite mining. The status quo of coal as a major source of energy for power generation will not change in the next decade. The current world energy consumption is: oil 36%; coal 24%; natural gas 21%; can be