随着犯罪手段和工具的不断翻新,在盗窃案件中,职业性很强的工具——管钳,亦被犯罪分子所利用来破坏暗锁,并且具有很大危害性。本文旨在通过一个系列案件中出现的破坏痕迹,来阐述管钳痕迹的分析及利用。 1991年9月~11月,短短2个多月时间内,沈阳市皇姑区连续发生15起入室盗窃案。这些案件现场反映出破坏暗锁手段及痕迹具有一致性。犯罪分子均系先把锁芯上装饰环撬下,再破坏锁芯,从而使整体锁芯分离下来。锁芯突出门板平面的边缘上留有对应的夹持齿纹痕迹,个别伴有周向擦划痕迹,门及周围无其他任何痕迹。经分析确定为管钳所留,并决定将15起盗案并案侦察。
With the continuous renovation of criminals and tools, the highly professional tool - pipe clamps used by criminals to destroy secret locks in theft cases has been extremely harmful. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the use of pipe wrenches through the traces of damage that occurred in a series of cases. September 1991 ~ November, just two months time, Huanggu District, Shenyang City, 15 consecutive cases of burglary occurred. These cases on the scene reflect the destruction of secret means and traces of consistency. Criminals are the first to pry the decorative ring on the lock, and then destroy the lock cylinder, so that the overall cylinder separated. Cylinder lock protruding on the edge of the plane leaving the corresponding clamping teeth marks, each accompanied by a circumferential scratches marks the door and the surrounding without any other traces. After analysis, it was determined that the pipe wrench was left and decided to reconnoiter 15 cases of robbery.