秋风吹,落叶飘,飘呀飘,扑进泥土妈妈的怀抱。 片片落叶,叶面向下,叶背朝上,亲吻着泥土妈妈,给泥土妈妈说着悄悄话。 “是您抚育我们,给我们水分和营养,我们永远不离开您,早想亲亲您哩!”落叶说。 泥土妈妈笑了,搂着落叶,轻轻地说:“孩子,是你们染绿了大地。你们
Autumn wind blowing, leaves floating, floating ah floating, flutter in the soil mother’s arms. Fragments of leaves, leaves down, leaves back up, kissing the soil mom, Mud mother to whisper. “You care about us, give us water and nutrition, we will never leave you, would like to kiss you miles!” Leaves said. Mud mom smiled, arms around the leaves, gently said: "Children, you dyed the green earth.