生于忧患 死于安乐

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忧患感(或危机感)是一种宝贵的心理品质。孟子说:“无敌国外患者,国恒亡。然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。”笔者不信奉孔孟之道,但这段话内涵深刻,值得警醒。有这样一个故事:一位养羊的牧主,羊养得非常好,只是那里的狼多,经常吃掉羊,他便设法把狼赶尽杀绝了,满以为从此太平无事,羊可以更好地成长了。但竟然发生了意想不到的事:羊由于失去天敌,无忧无虑,吃饱了睡,睡醒了吃,懒洋洋地混日子,久而久之便退化了,由良种羊变有劣种羊。牧主才意识到:“还得寻几只狼来……。” 提倡“生于忧患”,并不是要大家“杞人忧天”,惶惶不可终日;警惕“死于安乐”,不是反对追求安乐,主张禁欲主义。当然,在革命战争年代,曾提倡过的革命“禁欲主义”是带有历史的合理性的。“一不怕苦,二不怕死”的口号,曾激励了多少仁人志士排除万雄去争取胜利。这个口号至今也未过时。但它决不是反对安乐,相反,正是为了人民大众的安居乐业。不幸的是, Worried (or crisis) is a valuable psychological quality. Mencius said: “Invincible foreign patients, the country is perpetually dead. Then learn to suffer from misery and die in peace.” The author does not believe in Confucius and Mencius, but this paragraph of deep connotation, it is worthy of vigilance. There is such a story: A shepherd who raises sheep, the sheep is very well-bred, but there are many wolves there, often eat sheep, he managed to kill the wolf completely, full of thought that from then on, the sheep can be better Grow up. But something unexpected happened: The sheep lost its natural enemies, had no worries, was fed to sleep, woke up and ate, lazily, and it was degraded as time passed by, and the sheep had become inferior breeders. The shepherd only realized: “We have to find a few wolves...” To promote “being born of misery” is not to ask everyone to “get guilty and worry about the world”; it must not end indefinitely; vigilance “death by peace” is not opposed to the pursuit of happiness. Asceticism. Of course, in the era of revolutionary war, the revolutionary “asceticism” that was once promoted was historically reasonable. The slogan “One is not afraid of suffering and the other is not afraid of death” has inspired many people with lofty ideals to eliminate Wanxiong to win. This slogan has not yet expired. But it is by no means opposed to happiness. On the contrary, it is for the people’s livelihood. Unfortunately,
11月16日,一张奥巴马独自撑伞走出机舱的照片,出现在各大中文互联网上——头天晚间,美国总统奥巴马从日本踏进中国上海寒冷的雨中,展开了他对中国的首次访问之旅。这张照片似乎在有意无意间写录了一幅中美关系的新图景,在金融危机之后,这个被危机撕扯得碎片化了的世界,似乎正在拼贴它新的完整图景。  就在前一天(周五),美国国际贸易委员会批准对中国无缝精制铜管发起反倾销调查,这是美国今年第十二次对中国产品展开
一  战国时期,七雄相争。  公元前221年,秦王嬴政终于用武力完成了统一中国的宏伟大业。随后又采取了一系列维护、巩固中央专制集权的严厉措施,废分封制,设立郡县,整齐官制;统一道路,统一货币,统一度量衡,统一文字;专任刑法,轻罪重罚。中国历史经由秦王嬴政之手,出现了一次影响极为深远的重大转折。  大秦王朝建立不久,很快就露出了它的虎狼本性。尽管如此,文人们仍对嬴政怀着一定的幻想,他们承袭战国“处士