本刊讯 截至 2 0 0 2年 11月底 ,全省已完成退耕还林任务 4 3.8万 hm2 ,占国家下达总任务的 98.1%。在全国退耕还林工作检查评比中 ,10项考核指标我省全部达标 ,其中 3项受到表彰。今年 ,国家下达我省退耕还林工程任务 4 4.6 7万hm2 ,我省成为全国退耕还林工程建设任务最大的
By the end of November 2002, the province has completed 48,000 hectares of tasks of returning farmland to forests, accounting for 98.1% of the total tasks assigned by the state. In the national inspection and evaluation of the work of returning farmland to forestry, all 10 of the assessment indicators in our province reached the standard, of which three were honored. This year, the state issued 46,670,000 hm2 of the project of returning the grain plots to forestry in our province, making our province the largest task in the construction of the project of returning the grain plots to forestry