柠檬是一种营养和药用价值都极高的水果。柠檬有利于在尿液中产生柠檬酸盐,而柠檬酸盐能预防尿中的矿物质在肾内形成晶体,也就是肾结石。当人体内的结石达到一定程度,结石通过窄小的尿道时就会发生疼痛,喝柠檬水还能缓解这种排尿时的疼痛。饮用方法 :干柠檬片两三片,冲泡代茶饮;或将鲜柠檬切成薄薄的片泡在水中饮用。浸泡时最好选用温开水,这样可更多的保存柠檬中的营养物质。
Lemon is a fruit that has high nutritional and medicinal value. Lemons help to produce citrate in the urine, and citrate prevents minerals in the urine from forming crystals in the kidneys, ie, kidney stones. When the body’s stones to a certain extent, stones will occur through the narrow urethra pain, drinking lemonade can ease the pain of this urination. How to drink: Dried lemon slices two or three, brewing on behalf of the tea; or fresh lemon cut into thin pieces of foam in the water to drink. Soak the best selection of warm water, so that more nutrients can be stored in the lemon.