現代醫學所說的瘧疾,是以瘧原虫爲病原,分間日瘧原虫、三日瘧原虫、卵圓瘧原虫和惡性瘧原虫四種。臨床上以陣發性高熱、脾腫、貧血與白血球減少爲其特徵。本病有屬於良性的,如間日爍、三日瘧和卵圓瘧,多取典型發作經過,寒、熱、汗三個階段很清楚,預後多良;有屬於惡性的,如惡性瘧,多取兇險發作經過,寒、熱、汗三個階段不很清楚,熱型不規則,多有呈現過高熱型、寒冷型、腦型、胃腸型等,預後多不良。 現代醫學對瘧疾雖然已有明確認識和特效治療,但爲了發掘祖國醫藥寶藏,對中醫怎樣認識和治療瘧疾,尚有整理介紹的必要。
In modern medicine, malaria is based on the pathogens of Plasmodium, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malaria, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium falciparum. Clinically, paroxysmal fever, splenomegaly, anemia and leukopenia is characterized. The disease is benign, such as day after day, three days of malaria and egg malaria, and more to take a typical attack after the cold, heat, sweat three stages is very clear, the prognosis is good; there are malignant, such as falciparum malaria, and more Take the dangerous seizures, cold, heat, sweat three stages are not very clear, irregular heat, and many have appeared too hot type, cold type, brain type, gastrointestinal type, prognosis and more bad. Although modern malaria has a clear understanding of malaria and special effects treatment, but in order to explore the treasures of medicine in the motherland, how to understand and treat malaria in Chinese medicine, there is still the need to organize the introduction.