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爱国主义是中华民族精神的核心,是千百年来指引中华民族不屈不挠、前仆后继抗击外来侵略的伟大旗帜和不竭精神动力。1932年爆发的“一·二八”淞沪抗战,中国军民所表现出来的为捍卫民族独立而奋起抗争的悲壮之举,就是这种伟大爱国主义精神的生动写照。中国军队冲破阻力,浴血奋战。在爱国主义的伟大旗帜下,绘织了中国抗战的悲壮历史图景。上海民众毁家纾难、同仇敌忾,全力支援前线,组织抗日义勇军开展抗日总同盟罢工,谱写了中华民族万众一心、团结御侮的惊天战歌。中国共产党旗帜鲜明,坚决抗日,发表宣言,号召武装反抗日本帝国主义进攻上海,主张建立武装的工农兵革命军事委员会,领导抗日民族战线,始终坚持组织、支持和领导上海人民开展抗日救国运动。正是由于爱国主义伟大旗帜的指引,中国军队才演绎了“以血肉之躯,与敌重兵利器相激荡,卒能连挫凶锋,屹然不动”的悲壮图景;正是由于爱国主义伟大旗帜的指引,上海民众才谱写了“莫不同仇敌、万众一心、团结御侮、全力支援前线抗敌”的伟大战歌。淞沪抗战充分显示了中华民族不畏强暴,坚不可摧的伟力,雄辩地证明了帝国主义不能征服中国,也永远不能灭亡中国的历史真谛。现在,全国人民正在以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央领导下为全面建设小康社会,基本实现现代化,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家而进行新的伟大长征,爱国主义仍是鼓舞我们为实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗的一面旗帜,是我们的事业取得成功的重要保证。 Patriotism is the core of the Chinese nation’s spirit and is the great banner and inexhaustible spiritual force that guided the Chinese nation for thousands of years to persevere in order to resist external aggression. The tragic act of “January 28” Songhu Anti-Japanese War that erupted in 1932 and the upsurge of Chinese soldiers and peasants in their struggle to defend national independence are the vivid portrayal of this great patriotism. The Chinese army broke through resistance and fought bloody battles. Under the great banner of patriotism, the tragic historical picture of China’s war of resistance was painted. Shanghai people destroyed their homes and fought with their enemies. They fully supported the front line and organized the Anti-Japanese Volunteers to carry out the strike of the Anti-Japanese General League and compose the shaking battle song that united the Chinese people with one hearts and hearts and united them in resisting aggression. The Chinese Communist Party has a clear-cut stand and resolutely resisted Japan. It issued a declaration that called for armed resistance against Japanese imperialism to attack Shanghai. It advocated the establishment of an armed revolutionary committee of soldiers, peasants and soldiers and led the anti-Japanese national front. It persisted in organizing, supporting and leading the people of Shanghai in carrying out the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. It is precisely because of the guidelines of the great banner of patriotism that the Chinese army has interpreted the tragic picture of “flesh and blood, agitation with the enemy’s heavy weapon, death and fury, and stand still”; it is precisely because of the great banner of patriotism The Shanghai people just wrote a great battle song that “does not fight with enemies and is united with one heart and one soul and united to resist aggression and support all fronts.” The Songhu Anti-Japanese War fully demonstrated the Chinese nation’s treacherous and indestructible Weili and eloquently proved that the imperialists can not conquer China and will never perish China’s historical truth. Now, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee with General Secretary Hu Jintao, the Chinese people are still embarking on a new great long march for building a moderately prosperous society, basically realizing modernization, and building our country into a prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist country. Patriotism is still encouraging. Our banner of striving for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is an important guarantee for the success of our cause.