多样课堂小结 演绎别样精彩

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在初中数学课堂教学中,课堂小结这一环节对整节课能起到“收口”“点睛”的作用。它不仅可以帮助学生掌握具体的知识技能,还可以促进认知结构体系的形成和完善、新知识模块的建立和掌握、解题技能和思想方法的提炼优化等。但实际教学中教师对课堂小结还没有引起足够的重视,频频出现“通过这节课,你学到了什么,有什么收获”等流于形式的课堂小结。笔者有幸担任湖州市青年教师微型课(模拟上课现场,无学生参与)复赛的评委,欣赏了几节关于“图形的轴对称”的同课异构课,多样的课堂小结演绎出了别样的精彩。现笔者结合这次评课经历对课堂小结的分类做如下总结,期待专家、同仁指导。 In junior high school mathematics classroom teaching, the classroom summary of this part of the whole class can play a “shut” “” finishing touch “role. It can not only help students master specific knowledge and skills, but also promote the formation and improvement of cognitive structure system, the establishment and mastery of new knowledge modules, the problem-solving skills and the refinement and optimization of thought and method. However, in the actual teaching, the teachers have not paid enough attention to the summary of the class and they frequently appear in the form-based classroom summary such as ”What did you learn through this lesson?“ I was fortunate enough to serve as young teachers in Huzhou City micro-class (simulated class scene, no students involved) rematch judges, enjoy a few sections on ”axis of symmetry " in the same class heterogeneous lesson, a variety of class summary deduced Kind of wonderful. Now I combine the evaluation experience of the class summary of the class summary as follows, looking forward to experts and colleagues guidance.
<正> 我原来所学的专业是地质学。我的老师在给我上“地质力学”课时,发现我在偷偷地看文学书,便冷冷地说:“一改三不收,三改到了秋。”他用的是农民种庄稼的比喻,真是朴实而