恐怖主义、邪教、黑社会 ,被公认为当今世界的三大公敌 ,人类的三大瘟疫 ,社会的三大毒瘤。它们带着剑与火 ,不仅在国内 ,而且在国际上 ,播撒仇恨 ,滥杀无辜 ,残害生灵 ,掠夺财富 ,制造毁灭 ,把死亡、灾难、不幸和恐惧引向全世界。但是 ,究竟什么是恐怖主义、邪教和黑社会 ?长?
Terrorism, cults and triads have been recognized as the three major public enemies in today’s world, the three plagues of mankind and the three major malignant tumors in society. They carry swords and fires, not only domestically but internationally, to slay hatred, kill and kill innocents, destroy souls, plunder wealth, create destruction, and lead the world in death, disaster, misfortune and fear. But what exactly is terrorism, cults and triads?