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1904年初日俄战争爆发,中国东北边疆危机进一步加剧,清政府在宣布中立的同时积极筹划应对方略。战争期间,政府内部的讨论大体限于如何调停日俄战争以及如何避免日俄和谈使中国丧失更多权益,同时亦有个别官员提出改行宪政的主张;日俄战争以日本获胜收场,国人将其等视为立宪对专制的胜利,掀起吁请政府改行立宪政治的热潮。在这样的时代背景下,清政府在延续此前讨论的基础上,重点转向如何使国家走向富强之道,更多的官员提出改革原有政体、实行立宪政治的主张。正是由于朝野宪政诉求的相互渗透、融合,最终促动清政府于1905年7月16日颁布遣使出洋考察的谕旨,标志着清政府基本确立了宪政改革的决策。这一决策过程一方面凸显了清末东北边疆危机与国家政治走向的密切关联,同时也展示出清末宪政改革决策建立的动力源自政府官员立宪讨论与社会舆论立宪诉求形成的合力,朝野互动成为清末政治决策的重要动力源泉。 When the Russo-Japanese War broke out in early 1904 and the crisis in the northeastern border of China intensified, the Qing government actively planned its strategy while declaring neutrality. During the war, discussions within the government were largely limited to how to mediate the Russo-Japanese War and how to prevent the peace talks between Japan and Russia from losing more rights and interests. At the same time, some officials also proposed that constitutional government should be restructured. In the Russo-Japanese War, Japan won the victory and the people took it As a constitutional victory over autocracy, set off a wave of appeals to the government to reform constitutional politics. Against this background of the times, on the basis of continuation of previous discussions, the Qing government shifted its focus to how to make the country prosperous and prosperous. More and more officials proposed to reform the existing political system and implement constitutional politics. It is precisely because of the mutual infiltration and integration of the appeal of the constitutional government of the two countries, which eventually led the Qing government to issue the decree of sending out overseas expeditions on July 16, 1905, marking that the Qing government basically established the decision of constitutional reform. On the one hand, this decision-making process highlights the close connection between the crises in the northeastern border region and national political trends in the late Qing dynasty. It also shows that the impetus for the establishment of the constitutional reform decision in the late Qing Dynasty originated from the joint force between the constitutional discussions of government officials and the constitutional demands of public opinion. Important source of political decision-making power.