1概况黄冈市位于湖北省东部、长江中游北岸、大别山南麓、京九铁路中段,版图面积1.74万km2,总人口740万,下辖两市两区七县。黄冈是典型的农业大市,素有“两湖粮仓”之誉,是湖北省三大粮棉油和水产品生产基地之一,被誉为湖北的“米袋子”、武汉的“菜篮子”。全市良种覆盖率达到95%,常年总需种量2 750万kg,年供种量近1 100万kg。黄冈市辖区内地理条件复杂,与鄂、豫、皖、赣四省交界,沿江为冲积平原,
1 Overview Huanggang City is located in the eastern part of Hubei Province, the northern bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, south of the Dabie Mountain and the middle section of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway. The territory covers an area of 17,400 km2 with a total population of 7.4 million. Huanggang is a typical agricultural market, known as “two lakes ” reputation, is one of the three major grains and oil and aquatic products production base in Hubei Province, known as Hubei “rice bag ”, Wuhan “food basket”. The city’s coverage of improved varieties of 95% of the total annual demand of 27.5 million kg, for the species of nearly 11 million kg. Huanggang city area under the complex geographical conditions, and Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangxi at the junction of four provinces, along the alluvial plain,