首届壳牌爱德王子亚洲天才少年杯已经于2014年10月26日在马来西亚雪邦国际赛车场落下了帷幕,来自日本的Kaito Toba在最后一场比赛中幸运地击败了同胞Yota Date夺取了首届赛事的冠军。除了感叹以日本小车手为代表的亚洲少年车手实力强大,壳牌爱德王子亚洲天才少年杯的成功运作也让更多亚洲公路摩托车赛车爱好者和从业者认识到了发展少年赛车的重要价值。
The first Asian Prince Edward Asia Cup Junior Cup has ended on Sep 26, 2014 in Malaysia’s Sepang International Circuit. Kaito Toba from Japan has luckily defeated his compatriot Yota Date in the last race to win the first race Champion. In addition to lamenting the strength of Asian young drivers, represented by Japanese riders, the successful operation of Shell Asia’s Prince Edward Asian Teenager Cup has also enabled more Asian road motorbike racing enthusiasts and practitioners to recognize the value of developing juvenile racing.