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从下定“把权力关进制度的笼子里”的反腐决心,到明确“形成科学的权力结构”政改目标,制度反腐的新视野打开了,制度反腐的试点必须尽快设立。建党93周年的中国共产党,经历了革命时期的战争反腐,建设时期的运动反腐,在改革开放中,本应及时转向制度反腐,但由于迟迟未能设立政改特区,政治体制改革未能适时推进,只好以权力充当第三个反腐载体。所谓权力反腐,就是以领导者手中的权力来反下面掌权者的腐败问题。这种权力反腐能应对一些当务之急,但也往往因领导人的改变而改变,领导人注意力的转移而转移,反腐败斗争常常忽高忽低,忽左忽右, The new vision of anti-corruption should be set out from the moment when the anti-corruption determination of “making the power of the system into the cage of the system” clear to the goal of “creating a scientific power structure” and the anti-corruption of the system should be established as soon as possible. The 93rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC experienced the war against corruption in the revolutionary period and the anti-corruption campaign in the period of construction. In the process of reform and opening up, the CPC should have turned to the system of anti-corruption in a timely manner. However, due to the delay in establishing a special political reform zone, the political reform failed to be timely To promote, had to power to act as the third anti-corruption carrier. The so-called power anti-corruption refers to the problem of corruption of the power holders under the power of leaders. Such power anti-corruption can meet some immediate needs, but it is also often changed due to changes in the leadership and the transfer of attention from the leaders. The anti-corruption struggle is often up and down,
1 Geological Background of Minerlization or Geologic Setting The northeast of Yunnan1 Pb-Zn-Ag-Ge polymetallic ore district is an important part of the southwes
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