各位代表,同志们: 云南省档案学会第二次会员代表大会暨全省档案学术讨论会,经过与会同志的共同努力,已园满完成了预定的各项任务,现在我代表第二届理事会,向大会致闭幕词。 这次代表大会,审查和通过了第一届理事会工作报告,总结了自从学会成立以来的工作,肯定了成绩,指出了存在的问题,提出了今后改进学会工作的建议,为第二届理事会做好学会工作提供了有益的经验。
Dear Delegates, Comrades: Yunnan Provincial Archives Association, the second member congress and the archives of the province’s academic seminar, through the concerted efforts of comrades, has completed all scheduled tasks, and I now on behalf of the second Council , Closing speech to the General Assembly. The congress, reviewed and approved the report of the first session of the council, summarized the work since the founding of the academy, confirmed the achievements, pointed out the existing problems, put forward suggestions for improving the academic work in the future, Will do a good job in learning to provide a useful experience.