新年伊始 ,教育部召开了“减轻中小学生过重负担工作电视会议” ,在全省教育系统产生巨大反响。会后 ,本刊记者采访了江西省教委副主任王占铭同志 ,请他就“减负”对推进素质教育 ,对中小学生身心健康发展的意义以及怎样下大力气抓好“减负”问题发表见地。王占铭同志说 ,教育
At the beginning of the new year, the Ministry of Education convened a video conference on reducing overburdening work for primary and secondary school students, which had a huge response in the education system of the entire province. After the meeting, the reporter interviewed Comrade Wang Zhanming, deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Education Commission, and asked him to express his viewpoint on promoting the quality education by “reduce burdens” on the significance of the physical and mental health development of primary and middle school students and how to do a good job of doing a good job of reducing burdens. Comrade Wang Zhanming said that education