目的了解陕西省蔬菜、水果、食用菌和袋泡茶中农药残留状况。方法 2013年2—9月从陕西省10个市的农贸市场、超市和批发市场采集市售蔬菜、水果、食用菌和袋泡茶样品,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)检测有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、有机氯和拟除虫菊酯4类农药残留,根据GB 2763—2014《食品中农药最大残留限量》判定检测结果。结果共检测样品1 020份,总超标率为2.74%;其中氯氰菊酯超标率最高,为1.47%,其次为克百威和氯氟氰菊酯,超标率均为0.88%。蔬菜中氯氰菊酯超标率最高(2.43%),其次是克百威(1.56%);各类蔬菜中鲜豆类农药超标率最高(13.43%),豇豆中检出超标的农药种类最多(3种)。水果中氯氟氰菊酯超标率最高(2.00%),浆果类农药超标率最高(9.09%),超标农药为氯氟氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯。袋泡茶中检出甲胺磷和硫丹超标,超标率分别为0.91%和1.82%。食用菌中未检出农药超标。结论陕西省农产品农药超标率处于较低水平,但存在使用国家明令禁止的高毒农药情况,蔬菜中农药超标问题相对较严重,应加强监督。
Objective To understand the status of pesticide residues in vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and teabag in Shaanxi Province. Methods From February to September 2013, samples of vegetables, fruits, edible mushrooms and teabag were collected from farmers’ markets, supermarkets and wholesale markets in 10 cities of Shaanxi Province. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) , Carbamate, organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide residues in four categories, according to GB 2763-2014 “Maximum Residues of Pesticides in Foods” to determine the test results. Results A total of 1 020 samples were detected, with a total over-standard rate of 2.74%. The highest over-standard rate of cypermethrin was 1.47%, followed by carbofuran and cyhalothrin, and the over-standard rates were 0.88%. The highest rate of over-standard of cypermethrin was in vegetable (2.43%), followed by carbofuran (1.56%), the highest rate of fresh beans (13.43%) in all vegetables, the highest (3) . The highest rate of over-standard of cyhalothrin in fruit (2.00%), the highest rate of over-standard berry pesticides (9.09%) and the over-standard pesticides of cyhalothrin and cypermethrin. Mettidine and endosulfan were detected in teabag, exceeding the standard rates of 0.91% and 1.82% respectively. Pesticide not detected in edible mushroom exceeded. Conclusions The over-standard rate of pesticides in agricultural products in Shaanxi Province is at a low level, but the use of highly toxic pesticides banned by the state has been found. The problem of over-standard pesticides in vegetables is relatively serious and supervision should be strengthened.