在福建省惠安县的东南部,有一个半岛,叫崇武半岛,崇武镇就座落在半岛上。她南濒泉州湾,北临湄州湾,东隔台湾海峡与台湾岛相望。自古以来,这里就是海防重镇。 早在明洪武二十五年 (公元 1387年 ),在崇武半岛的东端就始建了城池,用以防备海盗。明隆庆元年 (公元 1567
In the southeastern part of Hui’an County in Fujian Province, there is a peninsula called Chongwu Peninsula, Chongwu Town is located on the peninsula. She is near Quanzhou Bay to the south, Meizhou Bay to the north, east across Taiwan Strait and Taiwan Island. Since ancient times, this is the coastal defense center. As early as Hongwu Ming twenty-five years (AD 1387), in the eastern end of Chongwu Peninsula built the city, to prepare for the pirates. Ming Longqing first year (1567 AD