第三届全国农作物品种审定委员会第三次会议日前审定通过 1 1类农作物 ,共 84个新品种。其中 ,适合我省推广种植的作物有 6类 ,共 1 6个品种。现介绍如下 :1 水稻品种( 1 )镇稻 6号 :由江苏镇江农科所选育。品种系早熟晚粳常规品种 ,作单季稻种植全生育期 1 60 d左右 ;作双季
The third session of the Third National Crop Variety Certification Committee approved a total of 11 types of crops a total of 84 new varieties. Among them, there are 6 types of crops suitable for planting in our province, with a total of 16 varieties. Are introduced as follows: 1 rice varieties (1) Zhenjiang 6: Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Institute of selected breeding. The cultivars are conventional varieties of early-maturing late japonica rice, and the whole growth period of single-season rice planting is about 160 days;