杨干象鼻虫主要危害加拿大杨、中东杨、小叶杨和旱柳等树种。在东北各省一年一代,以卵和幼虫在木栓层中越冬,4月下旬开始活动,在树干上往往出现刀砍状的横裂口,并排出丝状白色钻孔屑。5月下旬钻到木质部化蛹,6月中旬变为成虫。7月下旬在木栓层中产卵,2-3周孵出幼虫越冬,后期产下的卵因天气变寒,不再孵化就越冬。防治方法: 1.实行苗木检疫,防止卵、幼虫随苗木
Yang dry weevils mainly harm Canada Yang, Middle East poplar, Populus and willow and other tree species. In the northeastern provinces a generation of eggs and larvae in the cork layer of winter, started activities in late April, often appear in the trunk knife cut horizontal cross-cut, and discharged filamentous white drilling cuttings. Dried to xylem pupa in late May and adult in mid-June. Laying eggs in cork layer in late July, winter larvae hatch in 2-3 weeks, late-laying eggs due to cold weather, no longer hatch on the winter. Control methods: 1. The implementation of seedlings quarantine to prevent eggs, larvae with seedlings