一九六○年“五一”国际劳动节,毛主席在天津市参观河北省工业战线技术革新、技术革命展览会,同时参观了冶金馆。当时极大地鼓舞了全国人民,我们冶金战线的广大职工以空前的热情投入到了社会主义建设中去。回忆当时情景,百感交集,思绪万千,于是欣然命笔: 五月的阳光辉煌灿烂, 五月的鲜花竞芳争艳。毛主席参观冶金馆, 他老人家来到了我们中间。
In the 1960 International Labour Day, Chairman Mao visited the technological innovation and technological revolution exhibition of the Hebei Provincial Industrial Front in Tianjin and visited the Metallurgy Museum. At that time, the people throughout the country were greatly encouraged. The vast number of employees of our metallurgical front invested in socialist construction with unprecedented enthusiasm. Recalling the scenes at that time, feelings of mixed feelings and thousands of thoughts, I happily wrote: The glorious sunshine in May, the flowers in May are blooming. Chairman Mao visited the metallurgy hall. His old man came to us.