二○○三年我在哈佛任教时,与包弼德教授有较多往来,有幸先睹《历史上的理学》英文版的首章“历史与语境的思考”(Thinking about History and Context)的稿子,并在上课时,选用了此章作为必读文献。由此对于他的学术观点有所了解,并颇有同感。中文版出版后,又得先睹为快,因此写一些读后的心得。此书是包弼德多年潜心研究的成果,集中表现了他对中国历史的新看法。他的这些新看法,集中体现了他对学界长期盛行的“中国停滞论”的批判。他指出:
When I was teaching at Harvard in 2003, I had more contacts with Prof. Bibde and had the privilege of reading the first chapter of “The History of Science” in English, “Thinking about History and Thinking Context) manuscript, and in class, chose this chapter as a must read document. From this point of view of his academic understanding, and quite similar. After the Chinese version of the publication, they have to preview, so write some experience after reading. This book is a result of many years of painstaking research by Bute and concentrates on his new views on Chinese history. His new ideas embody his critique of the ”long-standing“ theory of ”stagnation of China" prevalent in academia. He pointed out: