本文通过与时间相关的广义极值分布(GEV)模型,利用1993年到2010年卫星数据库中波高的最大值来模拟南海波候的季节和年际变化.结果表明,季节变化与位置参数和尺度参数有关,位置参数值冬季最大,最大值出现在南海东北部,夏季最小;尺度参数最大值出现在七月份,冬季较小.年际变化与北太平洋涛动(NPO)指数有关,NPO的影响主要以负贡献为主,南海西南部负贡献比较明显.“,”In this study,we used significant wave height records from different satellite databases to modeling the seasonal and inter-annual variability of wave climate throughout South China Sea by a time-dependent GEV.The results showed that the seasonal variation was related to the position and the scale parameters.The maximum value of the position parameter was in the northeast of South China Sea in winter while such position parameter was the smallest in summer.The maximum value of the scale was in July and the smallest in winter.Interannual variation was related to Npo index.The influence of NPO was mainly a negative contribution,and the negative contribution in southwest China was obvious.