外阴白色病变为女性外阴皮肤粘膜发生组织改变及颜色变白的疾病。为了对本病有一些新的了解,本文拟就以下几方面进行综述。一、命名及病理分类1885年Breisky 和1909年Berkeley 将外阴角化亢进性病变称为外阴白斑。以后又有人称此为白斑性外阴炎、萎缩性硬化性苔癣、女阴干枯症、原发性萎缩、神经性皮炎及白色角化病等。1966年Jeffcoate 将以上统称为慢性外阴营养不良。1975年国际外阴疾病研究协会第二届国际会议采用了这个名称,并将其分为(一)增生型营养不良;(二)硬化苔癣型营养不良;(三)混合型营养不良。在增生型和混合型营养不良中又分为非典型增生及无非典型增生两类。目前国外在病理学上多采用以上命名及分类。而国内大多数作者主张废弃“外阴白斑”这一名称,代之为“外阴白色病变”。但仍有少数因内外作者认为外阴白斑是一个独立性疾病。主张仍保留这一名称。病理分类在国内尚无统一命名前,国内卞度宏主张暂采用以下分类:
Vulvar white lesions of the female genital skin and mucous membrane tissue change and white color of the disease. In order to have some new understanding of this disease, this article intends to summarize the following aspects. First, the naming and pathological classification 1885 Breisky and 1909 Berkeley genital hypersensitivity lesions called leukoplakia. Later it was said to be white spot vulvitis, atrophic lichen sclerosus, female dry senescence, primary atrophy, neurodermatitis and keratosis and other white. 1966 Jeffcoate will be collectively referred to as chronic vulvar dystrophy. The International Society of Vulvar Diseases, 1975, the International Association for the study of the Second International Conference adopted the name and divided into (i) hyperplastic malnutrition; (b) lichen sclerosis-type malnutrition; (c) mixed malnutrition. In hyperplastic and mixed malnutrition is divided into atypical hyperplasia and non-atypical hyperplasia two categories. At present, the pathology in foreign countries to use more than the above nomenclature and classification. Most domestic authors advocate abandoning the name of “vulva white spot” and replace it with “white lesions of vulva”. However, there are still a few people who think that leukoplakia is an independent disease due to internal and external authors. Advise still retain the name. Pathological classification is not uniform in the country before the name, the domestic Bian degree macro advocate temporarily use the following classification: