根据油气长输管道数字化管理的需要,以拓普康高精度RTK测量系统测得的管道沿线数据为基础,采用Visual Studio 2008作为系统开发工具,使用面向对象的程序设计语言C#作为开发语言,结合ArcGIS Engine二次开发组件,以File GeoDatabase及SQL Server 2005数据库分布存储系统数据,设计并实现了三维长输管道信息系统。将该系统应用于东北地区某长输管道,结果表明:其可实现二三维联动显示场景、地图图层管理、管道信息查询、管道数据维护、地图输出等功能,从而为长输管道的运行管理提供决策支持。
According to the needs of digitized management of long-distance oil and gas pipelines, based on the data of pipelines measured by Topcon’s RTK measurement system, Visual Studio 2008 is used as a system development tool and the object-oriented programming language C # is used as a development language. ArcGIS Engine secondary development components, File GeoDatabase and SQL Server 2005 database storage system data distribution, design and implementation of a three-dimensional long-distance pipeline information system. The system is applied to a long-distance pipeline in Northeast China. The results show that it can realize the functions of two-dimensional linkage display scene, map layer management, pipeline information query, pipeline data maintenance, map output and so on, Provide decision support.