近几年来,水稻肥床旱育稀植技术以其五省(省秧田、省水、省种子、省工、省肥料)、两增(增产、增收)的优势得到了迅速的推广和应用,是继杂交水稻应用之后稻作技术的又一次重大突破。水稻肥床旱育稀植技术,其基础是培育多蘖壮秧,在适当稀植的条件下,通过配套措施取得高产丰产。现将培育6~7叶多蘖壮秧的关键技术介绍如下。 1、掌握适宜的亩落谷量 为使苗床利用既经济又能确保旱育壮秧要求,用种量为:杂交中籼稻20~25公斤/亩,中粳稻40~45公斤/亩。
In recent years, the technologies of rice dryland nursery and sparse planting have been popularized and applied rapidly with the advantages of two provinces (such as seedling, provincial water, provincial seed, provincial labor and provincial fertilizer) and two increases (increasing production and increasing income) It is another major breakthrough in paddy technology following the application of hybrid rice. Rice fertilizer bed dry cultivation sparse planting technology, which is based on the cultivation of more tiller sprouting seedlings, under appropriate sparse planting conditions, through supporting measures to obtain high yield. Will now cultivate 6 to 7 leaves more tiller seedlings of the key technologies are as follows. 1, to grasp the appropriate amount of acres of grain Valley in order to make the use of both economic and ensure dry seedling seedlings requirements, with the amount of hybrid indica rice 20 ~ 25 kg / mu, medium japonica 40 ~ 45 kg / acre.