为了解实施计划免疫后农村儿童麻疹抗体水平现状,对呼和浩特市农村2~14 岁儿童1986、1988、1994 年麻疹抗体水平进行分析、评价。结果表明,实施计划免疫后,呼和浩特市农村2~14 岁儿童麻疹抗体水平仍处于较低水平,其中以4~6 岁组抗体为最低。建议将我市的麻疹疫苗复种年龄提前至4岁,把提高农村儿童麻疹免疫水平作为当前控制和消除麻疹的重要措施之一
In order to understand the status of measles antibody in rural children after the planned immunization, the level of measles antibody in 1986, 1988 and 1994 in rural areas of Hohhot was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that after the implementation of the planned immunization, measles antibody levels in rural children aged 2-14 years in Hohhot were still at a low level, of which antibody levels were the lowest in 4 to 6 years old group. It is suggested that the age of multiple measles vaccine be raised to 4 years old in our city and the measles immunity level should be raised as one of the important measures to control and eliminate measles at present