“思想政治工作有作为才有地位”这个观点不断见诸报章,至今不绝。用这句话教育说服政工干部克服困难、不计得失,为了党和人民的利益扑下身子苦干,不失其积极的一面。但深一步分析起来,这种观点在理论上和实践上都是有害的。 首先,思想政治工作是党的工作。思想政治工作是中国共产党的优良传统,在革命战争年代和社会
The view that “ideological and political work has a place as a leader” has been constantly seen in the newspapers and so far there has been no shortage. In this sentence, we should persuade political cadres to overcome difficulties, countless gains and losses, and spare no efforts in the interests of the party and the people, without losing their positive side. However, further analysis, this view is both detrimental in theory and practice. First, ideological and political work is the party’s work. Ideological and political work is an excellent tradition of the Chinese Communist Party, during the revolutionary war era and in society