锡伯族是我国少数民族中人口较少的民族之一,全国共有 172847人(据 1990年统计),主要聚居在新疆察布查尔锡伯族自治县,以及伊犁河流域的霍城、巩留两县、塔城地区,其余的散居在吉林、辽宁、黑龙江、内蒙等地。 “锡伯”为本民族自称,满文则有“犀毗”、“师比
The Xibo minority is one of the ethnic minorities in our country with a population of 172,847 (according to 1990 statistics), mainly in Xibebu Xilu Autonomous County of Xinjiang and Huocheng and Gongliu counties of Ili River Basin , Tacheng area, the rest scattered in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places. “Xibe” claims for its own nation, Manchu is “rhino adjacent”, "teacher ratio