建设“七个南岳” 加快科学发展

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立足现实,放眼未来,南岳区今后五年工作的指导思想是:坚持以风景名胜资源保护为前提,以旅游经济建设为中心,以调整优化经济结构为主线,以加强党的领导为保障,抢抓新机遇,谋求新跨越,打造现代旅游新业态,争当科学发展排头兵,加快推进“七个南岳”(即生态南岳、休闲南岳、文化南 Based on reality and looking to the future, the guiding ideology of Nanyue District in the coming five years of work is to adhere to the protection of scenic spots and resources as the prerequisite, with the construction of tourism economy as the center, the adjustment and optimization of economic structure as the main line, and strengthening the leadership of the party as the guarantee Grasping new opportunities, seeking new leaps and bounds, creating a new modern tourism industry, striving to become the vanguard of scientific development and accelerating the “seven Nanyue” (ie, ecological Nanyue, leisure Nanyue, cultural South
中国加入世界贸易组织十年来,越来越多的中国企业纷纷走向海外,拓展和扩大国际贸易和经济合作,目前在新加坡的中资企业更是多达3600多家。这些企业“走出去”以后的生存状况如何,是否能融入当地的市场以及它们的发展现状如何,就这些问题,《经济》记者采访了中国驻新加坡大使馆公使衔参赞李铭林,李铭林参赞对此做了详细的解答。  中国入世10年来,众多的中资企业来到新加坡,并以此为基地,拓展东南亚和南亚地区的市场