到太原前线当主任 1948年春,中央军委决定,撤销原晋冀鲁豫军区,组成华北野战军第1兵团,徐向前任司令员兼政委,周士第任副司令员兼副政委,参谋长陈漫远,胡耀邦任政治部主任,全兵团8万多人。但这时胡耀邦和陈漫远都没有到职,胡耀邦还在华北部队第3纵队任政委,与司令员郑维山一起指挥作战。他是1948年8月来到兵团部向徐向前报到的。 为了适应新的战争局势,9月初,晋冀鲁豫军区和晋察冀军区合并,建立了华北军区和华北人民解放军,以聂荣臻、徐向前为华北军区正、副司令员,徐向前同时担任1兵团司令员兼政委,周士第、王新亭任副司令员,副司令员陈漫远兼任参谋长,胡耀邦为政治部主任。
To the front line of Taiyuan When the director of the Spring of 1948, the Central Military Commission decided to withdraw the former Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region, formed the 1st Corps of the North China Field Army, commander and political commissar of Xu Xiangqian, Zhou Shici’s deputy commander and deputy political commissar, chief of staff Chen Manyuan, Hu Yaobang served as director of the Political Department, the entire Corps more than 80,000 people. However, both Hu Yaobang and Chen Manyuan failed to serve at this time. Hu Yaobang was still in the North China Forces No.3 Column and was commander in chief of commissar Zheng Weishan, commanding and fighting. He came to Corps in August 1948 to report to Xu Xiangqian. In order to adapt to the new war situation, in early September, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region merged with the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region to establish the North China Military Region and the People’s Liberation Army of North China. With Nie Rongzhen and Xu Xiangqian as the front and deputy commanders of the North China Military Region, Xu Xiangqian was also commander of the 1st Corps Commissar and political commissar, Zhou Shidi, Wang Xinting served as deputy commander, deputy commander Chen Manyuan concurrently chief of staff, Hu Yaobang as director of the political department.