Radiotherapy for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong489
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Objective:Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract,which frequently cause intraabdominal metastases.The current standard of care is surgery for localized cases,and adjuvant imatinib is recommended for tumors with a high risk of recurrence.To date,radiotherapy has not been commonly accepted as a part of multimodality treatment approach other than palliation.However,recently published case reports and some small series suggest that radiotherapy is a valuable option for controlling locally progressive,drug-resistant disease.The aim of this review is to provide a viewpoint from a radiation oncologist concing the management of GISTs,especially rectal GIST,and clarify the role and technical aspects of radiotherapy in the treatment approach.Data Sources:A comprehensive search in PubMed using the keywords radiotherapy for rectal GIST and rectal GIST was undertaken.The literature search included the related articles after 1995.Study Selection:The main articles including rectal GIST case reports and GIST series containing rectal cases were the primary references.Results:Surgery is the mainstay of treatment.However,to date,radiotherapy is included in the multidisciplinary treatment strategy of rectal GISTs in some circumstances with palliative,adjuvant,or definitive intent using different treatment doses and fields.Conclusions:Recently reported long-term local control rates indicate that GIST is a radiosensitive disease.This makes radiotherapy a valuable altative in GIST management with curative intent,especially in patients who (1) cannot tolerate or are resistant to chemotherapy agents,(2) have an unresectable disease,(3) have a gross or microscopic residual disease after surgery,and (4) have a recurrent disease.
目的 总结卵巢恶性肿瘤综合治疗的护理体会.方法 对26例患者的术前、术后护理及化疗毒副反应的护理进行详细介绍.结果 26例患者经精心护理达到满意的效果.结论 围手术期及化
目的 通过观察不同护理学措施干预下溃疡型结肠炎(UC)(肝郁脾虚型)患者CD4和CD8分子表达情况,探讨情志护理对肝郁脾虚型UC患者T淋巴细胞免疫调节作用的影响.方法 将符合诊断
β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid β-protein,Aβ)相对分子质量约4000,由β淀粉样前体蛋白水解而来,在细胞基质沉积后具有很强的神经毒性作用.Aβ1-40与Aβ1-42是最常见的两种蛋白,分别由40个和42个氨基酸组成.Aβ与包括阿尔茨海默病及淀粉样脑血管病(cerebral amyloid angiopathy,CAA)在内的多种疾病关系密切[1].既往对Aβ的识别主要依靠特异性抗体通过
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