中国作家铁凝撰文提到她于2005年才知道日本作家井上靖曾参与过侵华战争一事,并对井上靖是否对1 9 3 7年的那段中国经历有过讲述和记录提出疑问,在经过一番了解之后,铁凝表示自己一无所获,并开始质疑:“一个如此热爱中国书写中国的作家该不会真的对那段历史采取虚无主义态度吧?”实际上,井上靖从1946年战后发表的第一篇纪念阵亡友人的散文诗开始,到最后的绝笔之作《孔子》,期间以散文诗、随笔、小说等形式,或是直接表述自己的战争经历或感受,或是通过小说,特别是西域题材历史小说表达自己对战争的反思,绝笔之作《孔子》集中地体现了他对生命、对人类、对战争的思考。
Chinese author Tie Ning mentioned in her article that in 2005 she did not know that Japanese writer Inoue Jing was involved in the war on China and asked whether Inoue Jing had narrated and recorded the Chinese experience of 1937. After some understanding, Tie Ning said he found nothing and began questioning: “A writer who so loves Chinese writing in China should not really take a nihilistic attitude towards that period?” In fact, Inoue Yasuhiro from 1946 After the war, the first prose poem commemorating the death of a friend was published beginning with the final masterpiece, “Confucius,” in the form of prose poems, essays, novels, etc., either directly expressing their own experiences or feelings of war or Through his novels, especially the Western historical novels, he expresses his reflection on the war. His masterpiece, Confucius, shows his reflection on life, on mankind and on the war.