
来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smuwenwen
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说到“翻译”二字,汉英词典所给英译文一般只有translate,interpret及其部分派生词(如translation,translator;interpretation,interpreter等),而相关“一语多说”类著述所收英文表达法包括派生词在内也最多不过10个。其实,“翻译”的英文译文远非几个常见的“熟面孔”,仅据笔者收集,该词至少有以下各译法。 Speaking of the word “translation”, the Chinese-English dictionary gives English translation only translation, interpret, and some of its derivative words (such as translation, translator, interpretation, interpreter, etc.), and the related “one-to-many” writing is included in English. The number of expressions, including derivatives, is limited to 10 at most. In fact, the English translation of “translation” is far from a few common “familiar faces.” According to the author’s collection, the word has at least the following translations.
一、迷迷茫茫找寻创业项目    08、09年的金融危机席卷全球波及国内,让很多打工者失去了工作。怎么办?自己创业当老板。但做什么项目稳妥可靠风险小,这是每一个创业者都不能回避的现实问题。记者曾接到几个打工返乡者的创业求助电话,他们都拥有创业的激情,也拥有不太多的创业资金,但在找寻创业的项目上迷茫了。是的,他们现在手里掌握的创业资金是自己辛辛苦苦多少年流血流汗积攒下来的,里面装满了全家人的希望,如果