江总书记极为关怀厦门经济特区的建设,在初创时期,亲自参与规划并指导,给厦门人民以巨大的鼓舞。 一、亲自为厦门经济特区选址 1979年4月,受中共中央和国务院委托,谷牧带领中央工作组到广东、福建考察,时任国家进出口管理委员会和国家外国投资管理委员会副主任的江泽民是考察组成员之一。在这之前,江泽民已多次深入各个经济特区,参与研究我国经济特区的创办和建设工作,参与制定中央对经济特区实行的
General Secretary Jiang was very concerned about the construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone. During the initial stage, he personally participated in the planning and guidance and gave great encouragement to Xiamen people. In April 1979, commissioned by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Gu Mu led the Central Working Group to visit Guangdong and Fujian. At the time, Jiang Zemin, then appointed as the director of the State Administration of Import and Export and the deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Investment One of the study team members. Prior to this, Jiang Zemin had already gone deep into various special economic zones on many occasions, participated in the study of the founding and building of special economic zones in our country, and took part in formulating the plans of the Central Government for implementing special economic zones