游泳是人们非常喜爱的一项运动,通过多年的教学实践,认为选取仰泳中的反蛙泳作为游泳课的入门教材 是合理的。本文详细介绍了反蛙泳的教学方法:反蛙泳技术与教学口诀;反蛙泳的陆地练习方法;水中练习方法以及将反 蛙泳教学过渡到蛙泳教学的方法等,为快速掌握游泳技术提供了简单有效的教法。
Swimming is a sport that people like very much. Through many years of teaching practice, it is reasonable to choose the anti-breaststroke as an introductory swimming lesson. This article describes in detail the anti-breaststroke teaching methods: anti-breaststroke techniques and teaching formulas; anti-breaststroke land practice methods; water practice methods and the teaching of anti-breaststroke transition to the breaststroke teaching methods to quickly grasp the swimming technology provides a simple and effective Teaching method.