名震世界的截拳道创始人、“功夫之王”李小龙。不但拥有超卓的武道造诣、深厚的哲学修养,更拥有着博大的文化底蕴和丰富细腻的内心世界。 在李小龙的私人图书室里,珍藏有多达2500本的各类中、英书籍,李小龙每日神游其中、精骛八极。自少年时代起,由于刻苦读书,他的双眼近视便高达500多度,以至日后在公众场合不得不戴隐形眼镜。今天整理、发现的李小龙武道、哲学、书信、诗篇等各类手稿,足够出十余本厚
Jeet Kune Do founder of world famous, “Kung Fu King” Bruce Lee. Not only has excellent martial arts attainments, profound philosophical accomplishment, but also has a vast cultural heritage and rich and delicate inner world. In Bruce Lee’s private library, there are as many as 2,500 books of Chinese and English treasures, including Bruce Lee’s daily fugue. Since childhood, due to hard study, his eyes myopia will be as high as 500 degrees, and even in the future have to wear contact lenses in public. Finishing today, discovered Bruce Lee martial arts, philosophy, letters, poems and other manuscripts, enough of a dozen thick