草本石松植物原始鳞木属(Protolepidodendron)一名,最初由Krejcˇi根据波希米亚泥盆纪地层中一种具叶的茎干标本所建立,当时为了强调其与石炭纪鳞木属(Lepidodendron)石松植物的相似性,取名为Proto-Lepi-dodendron。后来,这种以具有二分叉的叶为特征的草本石松植物相继在捷克、德国、比利时、美国、中国、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯等地的早、中泥盆世地层中被发现。值得一提的是,对该属及模式种的命名问题存在一定的争议,同时存在多种作者引证,甚至还存在不同拼写的种本名。根据国际植物学命名法规,对化石植物的命名必须依据模式标本。目前,Protolepidodendron的模式标本保存在捷克共和国首都布拉格的国家博物馆。通过对模式标本进行的重新观察,并发现Gothan(1921)首次根据模式标本明确了Protolepidodendron的属征,是该属最早的合格发表作者;后来,模式标本又经过Krausel和Weyland(1929)的研究,唯一合法的种P.scharyanum被确立为模式种,并提出了种征。对Protolepidodendron属及其模式种,尽管后来有大量研究和报道,但都不是基于原始的模式标本。因此,根据国际植物学命名法规,该属及其模式种的合法名称应为Protolepidodendron Krejiex Gothan和P.scharyanum Krejiex Krusel et Weyland。
Herbarium, a Protelpidodendron, was first established by Krejci on the basis of a leafy stem specimen from the Bohemia Devonian strata, in order to emphasize its association with the Lepidodendron genus Lycopodium The similarity, named Proto-Lepi-dodendron. Later, this herbaceous stone pine plant characterized by bifurcated leaves was successively found in the Early and Middle Devonian formations in the Czech, German, Belgian, American, Chinese, Kazakhstan, Russian and other places. It is worth mentioning that there is some controversy about the naming of the genus and the type of genus, while there are many authors’ cites, and even the names of different genres of spelling. According to the International Botany Nomenclature, the designation of fossil plants must be based on model specimens. Protolepidodendron’s model specimens are currently stored at the National Museum in Prague, Czech Republic. Through the re-examination of the model specimens, Gothan (1921) first identified the character of Protolepidodendron according to the model specimens and was the earliest qualified author of the genus. Later, the model specimens were studied by Krausel and Weyland (1929) The only legal species, P.scharyanum, was established as a model species and proposed a taxonomy. Protolepidodendron genus and its species, although later a large number of studies and reports, but not based on the original model specimens. Therefore, according to the International Botany Nomenclature, the legal name of this genus and its genus should be Protolepidodendron Krej ie ie x x Gothan and P.scharyanum Krej ie ie ie ie kusel et Weyland.