1983年9月20日至23日在西德波鸿市召开了第六届国际尘肺会议。包括我国、西德、英、法、美、日等在内的51个国家的600多名代表参加了这次会议。我国与会代表有李玉瑞、王东雄、韩向午和邓伟幸。西德联邦政府和波鸿市的负责官员及国际劳工组织的领导人参加会议并讲了话。 尘肺国际会议以如下六种方式交流学术及技术上的成就和经验。即:(1)学术报告会,(2)张贴学术成果,(3)专题讨论会,(4)圆桌形式的学术讨论会,(5)学术及技术性参观访问,(6)与尘肺的预防、诊断、治疗有关的新技术。仪器及新产品的展览等,采取多种形式在会议期间穿插进行。学术报告会在四个会议室同时进行,分别宣读煤工尘肺、石棉肺、测尘及降尘技术,其他尘肺及尘肺发病机理(Etiopathogenesis),与会代表可任意参加其中的一项学术活动。
The 6th International Pneumoconiosis Conference was held in Bochum, West Germany, from September 20 to 23, 1983. More than 600 representatives from 51 countries including China, West Germany, Britain, France, the United States and Japan attended the meeting. Our delegates include Li Yurui, Wang Dongxiong, Han Xiangwu and Deng Weixing. The Federal Government of Germany and the responsible officials of Bochum and the leaders of the International Labor Organization attended the meeting and made speeches. Pneumoconiosis International conferences exchange academic and technical achievements and experiences in the following six ways. Namely: (1) academic presentations, (2) posting academic achievements, (3) symposiums, (4) roundtable symposia, (5) academic and technical visits, (6) prevention of pneumoconiosis, Diagnosis, treatment-related new technologies. Equipment and new product exhibitions, take a variety of forms interspersed during the meeting. Academic seminars will be conducted simultaneously in four conference rooms to read the coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, asbestosis, dust and dust control technology, other pneumoconiosis and other pathogenesis of pneumoconiosis (Etiopathogenesis). Participants are free to attend one of the academic activities.