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班主任是班级学生的组织者、领导者和教育者,是学生健康成长的引路人,是联系班级与科任教师、沟通学校与学生家庭以及社会教育力量的桥梁纽带。在十八年的教学生涯中,我担任了十年的班主任工作,其间有欢笑,也有泪水。现就如何做好小学班主任工作谈几点感悟。一、教师要懂得尊重学生尊重学生是取得学生信任、赢得学生爱戴、树立教师威信、奠定教师良好形象最重要的环节。每个学生都希望获得教师的重视,得到教师的认可,教师的每一个眼神、每一个 The class teacher is the organizer, leader and educator of class students. It is a guide for the healthy growth of students and a bridge between class and teacher, communication between school and student families and social education. During my 18 years of teaching career, I spent 10 years as a teacher in charge, laughing and tears in my life. Now on how to do a good job of primary school class teacher to talk a few insights. First, teachers should know how to respect students Respect students is to gain the trust of students, win the love of students, establish the prestige of teachers, lay the most important part of teachers’ good image. Every student wants to get the attention of teachers, get the teacher’s approval, every teacher’s eyes, each one
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根据厦门港船舶流量的增加,分析了船舶溢油的风险,以及大规模溢油对厦门港海洋生态环境的危害。介绍了厦门港规避船舶溢油风险的措施。 According to the increase of ship
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This paper provides a critical review of energy entropy theory in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and proposes an Energy Entropy on Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Ve